Door de jaren heen heb ik gemerkt dat de enige manier om het weer leuk te maken is om het ZELF leuker te maken (en niet te gaan zitten wachten tot de andere het doet). En dat werkt! Hier mijn tips:
- Geef complimenten! Je partner wil net als jij zelf graag horen dat hij er mag zijn en gewaardeerd wordt. Als je complimenten krijgt ben je ook sneller geneigd ze te geven. Laat je waardering merken.
- Knuffel elkaar (ook als je moe bent).
- Luister naar je partner. Neem de tijd om even met elkaar te praten, dus niet meteen achter de computer of tv.
- Doe iets liefs (onverwacht briefje, klein cadeautje, etc)
- Ga SAMEN iets leuks doen.
- Maak het thuis gezellig
- Doe moeite om er leuk uit te zien voor je partner.
Liefs Amelie
Otto and I have been together for 17 years now. He is the love of my life. Still there are times that I take things too easily in marriage. You get into the daily routine of things aspecially as we have little kids; it feels like we are running a company together sometimes. Of course this isn't the picture you have in your head when you get married and I have seen in my life that your spouse can get ill all of a sudden and pass away. So the time that's given to you as a couple you should cherish the moments you have together and try to make the time together as happy as possible.
Through the years I have learned that the only way to make your marriage happier again is to make it more happy yourself (and not wait for the other to do it for you). And it works! Here are my ideas:
- Give compliments! Your partner likes, just like you, to hear he's o.k. and he is appreciated. If you are give. compliments, it's easier to give them back. Show your appreciation.
- Cuddle! (even if you're tired).
- Listen to your partner. Take time to talk to each other, so don't hurry to get behind the computer or tv.
- Do something sweet (an unexpected note, small present etc)
- Do something fun TOGETHER.
- Make the house look cosy and welcoming
- Take some effort to look nice for your partner.
Love Amelie
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